Registering a new account
From ULYSSIS documentation
To register an account, follow these steps:
- Go to and log in using your Central KU Leuven Account
- Select the kind of account you wish to register.
- Most people will want to register a regular account for personal use.
- If you are a recognised faculty union (kring), assembly or representational organisation you are entitled to this free account. We verify this using the list of recognised faculty unions (kringen) from LOKO, . Recognised organisations are not entitled to a free account.
- If you are a recognised organisation by LOKO, Studentenraad KU Leuven or the KU Leuven itself you are entitled to an organisation account, wich has a reduced price.
- After picking your account type you have to choose which options you want, as well as a username and a language.
- Accept the ULYSSIS terms of use and confirm your order.
- An email will be sent to your KU Leuven email address to confirm your order alongside a request for payment.
- As soon as we have received and processed your payment, your account will be activated and you will receive instructions to set a password.