Making Backups

From ULYSSIS documentation

ULYSSIS takes backups of all files, databases, settings and repositories 1-4 times a week. These backups can be restored in case of severe server failure or in case of an emergency (if for example a user by mistake deletes all of their site). It is, however, more convenient that users take their own backups when they do experimental things on their account.

A backup of your files

You can use the graphical methods described in Accessing your files to download a copy of all of your files. This copy, or certain files, can then easily be uploaded again using the same method to restore backups

A backup of your databases

To take a backup of your database you simple use the export function of PHPMyAdmin, PHPPgAdmin and/or Adminer as described on Using PHPMyAdmin, Using PHPPgAdmin and Using Adminer.

If you are backing up and/or restoring a larger database, it's advised to use command line tools since they are more performant than webtools and don't have any timeouts that could interrupt your backup/restore.

In case of MySQL, you can use mysqdump to take a backup:

mysqldump -h -p username_database > backup.sql

This will prompt you for your database password (please refer to [Using MySQL] if you don't know your password) and then dump the entire database to backup.sql. To restore your backup you can use the mysql command:

mysql -h -p username_database < backup.sql

Please keep in mind that by default mysqldump includes statements in the SQL file that will delete all tables that will be restored.