Sending email from websites

From ULYSSIS documentation
Revision as of 17:13, 28 August 2019 by Bert (talk | contribs)

Sending email is fairly similar on most hosting services. ULYSSIS hosting is not too different in that sense. We do use a queueing system to detect accounts that are being abused by malicious actors to send spam.


In PHP and most other programming languages, content management systems (CMS), and frameworks, you can use the buildin email function. This may be referred to with names such as buildin, default, standard, local or sendmail.

Delay and limitations

The delay and limit will be changed on  11 september 2019 to 5 minutes and a maximum of 50 mails for each user in that amount of time

Because of the large amount of users on our hosting services, security breaches and misconfigurations due to user mismanagement happen from time to time. As many malicious actors focus their efforts on abusing servers with a good reputation for the distribution of spam, it is not uncommon to find several thousands of emails being sent once a problem occurs. To combat this, ULYSSIS hosting delays sending of emails for up to 15 minutes and verifies a certain amount of email is never surpassed. If at any point the level is surpassed, ULYSSIS is notified and can take action, while probable spam is stopped from being transmitted. Therefore it is important to keep a potential delay in time when expecting email from your website, but also not to send vast amount of email all at once. It is in general good practice to spread the transmission of for example an email list with several hundred participants.