TEST Software Version Checker

From ULYSSIS documentation


Many of our users use the same popular software. However, as is common in many popular and widespread software, various bug or errors can occur in the program. These flaws can be exploited by hackers to gain access to websites or databases connected.

Whenever a new update is released for any other popular software (E.g., Wordpress, MediaWiki, Joomla) hackers will find out which security flaws have been patched, and with this knowledge, they try to find new systems flaws to gain access to the websites or databases. This is the reason why it is so critical to update the software itself, plugins, themes, or any related software as soon as the updates roll out. To help facilitate this and prevent security breaches, we have created a tool to help you keep the most used software up-to-date. Currently, this feature is only active if you have an organization or student union account.

What to do once you receive an e-mail!

Once you receive an e-mail from the Software Version Checker, it is of upmost importance to update the sofware mentioned in the e-mail. Make sure that you have downloaded the lastest public version. It is also the best time to check if the other software you use is up-to-date. As mentioned below, our tool does not check all software.

You can find more information here on how to automate this for Wordpress to save a lot of time and effort. Since updating MediaWiki can be a somewhat daunting process we have made a more detailed guide accessible on Updating MediaWiki.

Supported Software

kan niet alles supporteren etc, hebben populairste gekozen en gekeken welke het vaakste security breaches krijgen. die worden gekozen om te supporten. en die ook GEKUNNEN GESUPPORT WORDEN;

  • Drupal,(including modules and themes) Drupal Modules, Drupal Themes
  • Joomla (Plugins are not supported)
  • MediaWiki (MediaWiki Extensions and Themes are not supported)
  • PhpBB, PhpBB Plugins, PhpBB Styles
  • WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes


In general, the Version Checker does the following:

  • Scan relevant files, detect supported software, and store in database
  • Check the version and validity of outdated software
  • Mail accounts using outdated software

Stored Data

The following data is stored in the database:

  • The location of the CMS, plugin/extension or theme
  • The responsible organisation or student union (kring/facultair overlegorgaan)
  • The detected software version
  • The type and name of the software
  • The update URL for the software
  • The date the entry was added

Ignored Paths

The Version Checker has a feature allowing ULYSSIS members to specify paths that will not be searched for software. If you believe you have software that should be ignored (for example certain custom plugins or themes), you are free to e-mail a request to ulyssis@ulyssis.org. Please list your account name, the location of the specific file(s), the nature of what is being detected, and a detailed description of the specific situation.

Ignored Organisations/Student Unions

In addition to the ignored paths feature, the Version Checker can also ignore specific Organisations or Student Unions entirely. This feature is possible on request, but only after extensive deliberation with ULYSSIS. Enabling this feature also carries possible consequences: no more mails about outdated software, ever (unless enabled on request), and no support if/when your account gets hacked (the account will be suspended immediately).