Using Adminer

From ULYSSIS documentation
Revision as of 19:48, 4 November 2019 by Bert (talk | contribs)

You can access both your MySQL and PostgreSQL databases using Adminer, though not both at the same time. This application can be found on To login you need to use your MySQL or PostgreSQL password, this password is different from your account password for security reasons as well as convenience. In case you've forgotten your passwords you can get it from your websites configuration file. This is usually called config.php, wp-config.php, settings.php or something similar. You can change your database passwords through our control panel UCC, but keep in mind to then also change the password in relevant configuration files, or you applications may stop working correctly. To use MySQL, please use the server In case of PostgreSQL, please use

Basic Usage

When logging in using MySQL, you will see an overview of all your databases. When using PostgreSQL you will see all databases that have been created by all of our users (this is a known problem with Adminer), though you won't be able to view them.

You can then view databases and tables. For each table you can view the records, view and change the structure, add records, take backups, etc. Sadly no official documentation is available, though Adminer has a forum where you can ask for help.

Making Backups

NoticeKeep in mind

If you are backing up and/or restoring a larger database, it's advised to use command line tools since they are more performant than webtools and don't have any timeouts that could interrupt your backup/restore. Please refer to Making Backups for more details.

Adminer has an export option which can be used to backup the structure and/or data of databases and tables. When no database or table has been selected, the export button in the sidebar allows to export all databases at the same time. When a specific database or table is selected, that database or table is exported. You can specify to save the file, in what format, and whether structures and data should be dropped, truncated or created. You can later restore backups by uploading the file through the form available through the import button in the sidebar. To make restoring easier, we suggest you backup individual databases or even individual tables and use the SQL format.