Using the kulemt package

From ULYSSIS documentation
Revision as of 17:57, 8 November 2016 by Dmrs (talk | contribs)

We often get the question at our LaTeX workshop how to properly install the kulemt package. For this reason, we have decided to provide a proper guideline. You can acquire the kulemt package by downloading "" from

One-time use

Most people will only use this package once, for their master thesis. In this case, you can just put the necessary files in the same folder as your LaTeX project. The easiest way to accomplish this, is to unzip the downloaded file and in the unzipped folder, navigate to the directory "tex/latex/kulemt". Here, copy the following files to the same directory as your LaTeX project: kulemt.cfg, kulemt.cls, kulemtx.sty, logokul.eps and logokuleng.eps.

User-wide installation

If you need to use the kulemt package more than a few times, copying these five files can become a little bit of a hassle. It is also possible to install this package in a central location where LaTeX can find it autonomously. When using TeXLive, as we recommend, this involves a bit more work.

First, you should find where to install the packages for your user. This is called the TEXMFHOME. The default location of this folder is:

  • For Windows, this is the folder "texmf" in your %USERPROFILE% (C:\Users\YourUsername for Windows Vista and up).
  • For Linux, this is "~/texmf"
  • For OS X/macOS, this is "~/Library/texmf"

It is possible that this folder needs to be created first. From the extracted, copy the entire directory "tex" to this location (note: the directory itself, not only its contents).

If this does not work, or if you want to check the directory first, please refer to the section #Finding the TEXMFHOME at the bottom of this document.

For a more technical overview, you can follow the general guidelines provided by the department:

Using the kulemt package

A complete reference for using the kulemt package can be found at A minimal working example is provided below (inspired by the above manual).

\setup{title={The best master thesis ever},
  author={First Author\and Second Author},
  promotor={Prof.\,dr.\,ir.\ Knows Better},
  assessor={Ir.\,Kn. Owsmuch\and K. Nowsrest},
  assistant={Ir.\ An~Assistent \and A.~Friend}}


Please note that for some other masters, some other options might be necessary, such as:

  translatedtitle={My title in English}, % in case of a Dutch master
  udc=621.3, % This is the udc number for the faculty of engineering science
  shortabstract={A short summary of the thesis},

Finding the TEXMFHOME

In case the default location for the TEXMFHOME as stated above does not work, you can find the correct directory through command-line. In Linux and macOS, look for an app called "Terminal". In Windows, search for "cmd" using the start menu. The program has a black, square logo.

To find out the central location of installed packages, run the following command:

kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME

An example output would be:


If you have found this folder, copy the entire "tex" directory from the extracted to this location, as stated before. Create the folder if needed.


The kulemt package requires the memoir package. Make sure you have this package by installing the 2016 version of TeXLive.

The version of TeXLive that you can find pre-installed on many Linux distro's is not the 2016 version of TeXLive. You can upgrade to the latest version of TeXLive by running the following commands in a terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/texlive-2016
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install texlive